
Random Quote App - Angular vs. React vs. Vue Comparison

Random Quote App Angular React Vue

In the last post, we looked at how to build a simple random quote app in Angular. In this post, we will compare the same app in React and Vue, to have a look at the similarities and differences in Angular, React, and Vue. We'll cover the project structure, and tooling of each of these technologies, as well as how components are implemented in each.

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How to Create a Simple Random Quote App with Angular

Screenshot of Angular Random Quote App

In this post I will show how to build a simple random quote page using Angular. I originally created this app using React for a freeCodeCamp project. The original React code can be found on my CodePen. This app will fetch quotes from a GitHub gist by camperbot, and display a randomly chosen quote from that list when the page first loads. Then when the user clicks the New quote button, a new quote is displayed. There is also a Tweet button so that the user can tweet the current quote on Twitter.

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Hello, World!

Hello, World!

Welcome to the first blog post of my new website,! I'm excited about this site and all the learning I have done along the way building it. In this post I will talk a little about the tech behind this website, for those who are curious.

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